b'In MemoriamWe remember the WGC members who have left us in this past year.Ian Adams Sally NemethJournalist, Novelist, Screenwriter Playwright, Novelist, ScreenwriterHunt for Justice: The Louise ArbourLaw and Order, The Promise, Story, Agent of InfluenceFalling in Love With the GirlNext DoorPaul HellyerEngineer, Politician, Writer,Alfred ScoppColumnist Actor, ScreenwriterToronto Sun (1974 to 1984), Night Shift (Documentary Short)As It Happens, Sunday MorningJohn TwomeyJohn McBrearty Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Musician, Screenwriter Professor Emeritus Sorority Girls and the CreatureDirector: The Friendly Giant, from Hell Mr. DressupCelebrating Canadian Screenwriters'